Best Startup Business Ideas

By Chris Jones

Hot Ideas to get started

With the advance in technology. There has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur. Technology keeps us connected no matter where we are.  The low cost to start a business has never been lower.  Social media has made it easy to promote a home business.  Online marketing is often more effective than other expensive offline methods. Do you need startup funds to get going?  Crowdfunding and other lending sites make it very easy to get your business funded. When trying to find a business to start keep in mind you won’t be getting rich from it.  You need to save to get rich.  Making more money is one of the steps.  But you have to hit all the steps to get to the top level.   Some of the following startup ideas have zero to very little cost to start.  Here’s a hot list of the top startup business ideas for you to pick from.

What is the best startup business ideas out there today?

Recycling pickup – Going Green Business

The majority of people have trash service for standard recyclables like paper, glass, and plastic.  They don’t usually make any effort to correctly recycle batteries and electronics.  Not because they don’t want to it’s because of lack of awareness.  People just don’t know what to do or how to dispose of these items.  These items are extremely harmful to the earth. Dumping them in landfills is not good for the future. This is where you come in and offer to pick up all the electronic waste. We all have it gathering dust in our homes.  For example old TV’s, broken laptops and desktops, old cell phones and printers.  You can offer a pickup and disposal service to rid people of these items.  Charging people per trip, per item or by weight has a huge potential.  Then on top of that, it is possible to earn money selling these items for reuse.  People want to be Green. The future of the planet depends on people caring.  Most people want their future generations to have a clean earth.  This is the top business idea of the year!

Smartphone/Tablet Trainer

Are you proficient with a smartphone and tablet?  Then you can get paid to pass your knowledge on to other people.  People are always looking to expand their skill sets.  Plus they want to maximize the use of technology. Technical manuals are available for these, but these often cost.  Plus some can be difficult for the average user. You can have workshops or private sessions. Then charge by the hour or lesson.  People learn more with hands-on learning.  Plus it is nice to have support if they mess up.  Teaching people to use the full potential of their electronics can be very lucrative. The best part about this business is that it can be done full time or part-time.

Healthcare Consulting

With the aging of baby boomers home healthcare consulting will explode.   Offer service to set up homes to be more Senior Citizen friendly.  The children of the baby boomers barely have time for their own projects.  Plus by doing this day in and day out you will be able to spot issues more easily than anyone else.  Setting up homes to be senior friendly will be a growing business now and in the future.  This also allows you to partner with Home Health Care workers providing leads and generating more revenue.

Meal Delivery

People are busier than ever.  With all the to do’s of running a household.  Plus working full time, who has the energy to make a healthy meal?  Most parents opt for the fast easiest choice which is unhealthy fast food.  This is where you can make the meals and deliver healthy happy meals to their door.  The options to make money here is huge.   On top of that, you could deliver groceries.  Saving valuable time and trouble for your clients is a money maker.

Marketing consulting

With online, mobile, local and social marketing being must-haves in running a business today.  These take huge efforts and massive amounts of time.  To do one of these and learn all the ins and outs is a full-time job itself.   Finding ways to do marketing is a challenge for many business owners.  With mobile marketing being so new and mysterious it is hard for business owners to grasp.  If a company can provide affordable marketing solutions to businesses.  Then you’ll find marketing consulting a very prosperous business idea.  Especially with the amount of time, people spend on smartphones today.


Data entry, academic writing, Excel projects, data processing, Web search, and social based jobs are in high demand for workers.  You could start a business based on hiring local kids to do some of the work for you.  This multiplying the number of projects you can complete.  Once you get the hang of it and a great reputation on the freelance sites.  Your business will have more work than your start-up business can handle.

Traveling Salon

This goes back to the huge aging baby boomer market.  This is creating a huge need for senior services of all sorts.  A little thinking outside the box reveals other ways to make money besides healthcare.  One way is a mobile salon that travels to customers’ residences.   This making it easier for the senior market to have their hair styled and nails did.  This has nothing but growth potential. As aging baby boomers move into the senior citizen category.  There will be a growing need for these mobile services that help keep boomers looking good without requiring them to make a trip to the salon.

Healthy Vending Machine Business

With people being more and more health-conscious plus short on time, people are looking for quick healthy snacks.   Most vending machines only carry high-calorie drinks and fat-laden processed foods. This has created a brand new industry of health-oriented and unique vending companies.   They offer entrepreneurs the chance to own healthy vending machines.  A vending machine business gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to start a small business and grow it at their own pace.  Location is the main issue when starting this type of business.

Smartphone repair

Smartphones are everywhere and are taking over the world.  Everybody seems constantly glued to them.  Have you ever tried to get one fixed?  If you have you know how costly these repairs are.   Most repairs are $100 plus.  On top of that, how much do you think some would pay to have it repaired immediately?  People are addicted to their phones.  This small business will be growing by leaps and bounds.  With all the tiny parts all you need is steady hands a few tools and supplies.  Once you have these it’s time to get started taking on repair jobs.  This market is wide open and taking off.  You could work for someone on the side like iCracked. They do marketing for you.  All you do is the repairs.   This can be a supplement to the Green business mentioned above.  Becoming a mobile green repair and recycling business will be profitable in the future.


There is no refuting the global marketplace is growing and reaching beyond our borders.  All the cross-cultural communication is fueling a growing need for translators.  Translation is expected to grow as the world becomes one.  Every business has a need for a translator in doing negotiations.

There is even a bigger business opportunity for people who can find foreign language speakers.  Being a translator recruiter has huge pay out opportunity and can be started right out of your home.

Business Accounting

With a little personal touch there are many small businesses looking for bookkeeping help.   There are all kinds of levels you can take this to.  Some business owner’s don’t mind keeping up with the day to day record keeping.  When it comes to tax time they would rather have a professional help them out.  Then there are the mom and pop shops that could use a little advice on how to save money.  Nobody likes giving their money to the government and every penny counts when running a small shop.

Boat Detailing & Servicing

Live near a lake?  How about all those boat owner’s that don’t live at the lake all year?  They usually don’t have much time.  Plus the time they have at the lake they would rather spend it on the lake.  Not cleaning the boat and charging the battery.  So a boat detailing business is perfect as a higher percentage of people will have the extra cash but not time.  Getting in good with the Marinas is an excellent way to drum up business for this opportunity.

Notary Signing Service

Here is an easy small business to start.  All you have to do is become a notary and watch people sign documents.  A traveling notary with flexible hours is in high demand.  People getting mortgages have to have a notary watch them sign the paperwork.  This can be done during business hours at a title company.  Some people have jobs that are pretty difficult to get time off from.  If there are two people needing to sign then picking time is even harder.  This is where the traveling notary business can make some pretty good money just by having a flexible schedule.  This is a low cost start up and with the right connections a very profitable startup.

Traveling Lawn Mower Maintenance

I know I could use a service where someone comes to my house to sharpen the lawnmower blade.  Not being very mechanical orientated I don’t get around to sharpening my lawn mower blade as I should.  I also don’t have a vehicle to haul my lawnmower to a shop for service.  If only some entrepreneur would start a mobile maintenance shop then I would be set.  Making it easy to get my blade sharpened.

Cleaning Business

We are going to add a twist to the cleaning business.  This can be not only offering a cleaning service but green cleaning products.  People with kids especially newborns crawling around want to make sure they have a safe environment.  Using harmful chemicals is not the best way to clean a home.  People also don’t want to store harmful cleaning products in the house because of the kids.  Green businesses are in and a great way to do the world a little good.

Smashing Party

There is a business in Japan that allows their customers to buy a plate or cups and then they can break it against a concrete wall.  This is a unique small stress release business.  So if you’re looking to start a unique business this could be the one for you.  How about buying a beer and getting shatter the mug against the wall?  There are many twists that can be done with this opportunity.

Fresh Vegetable Shop

Everybody likes fresh locally grown organic food.  If you have green thumbs why not sell vegetables to grocery stores and at the local farmers market.

Video Preparation Service

People like to have their special events like weddings assembled into a creative video.  It may require taking pictures and short videos, then putting them together.  Or maybe you can work for a local Realtor and make their home tour videos into great presentations.  Either way, you most likely have some of the equipment to get started.  To top it off anything you might need to buy could possibly be a tax right off.  This is an excellent way of taking a photography hobby and turning it into a money maker.

Creative Challenge

Take project-based programs designed to teach creative thinking to solve problems.  Run kids classes throughout the week and help parents to teach kids critical thinking.  This is a great opportunityConfused on choosing best idea for a teacher or someone who loves teaching kids period.  Make money helping kids is a great business idea.

Local Coupon Ads

Sell advertising on local coupon booklets or door flyers.  This is a simple business to start.  You could only advertise locally owned businesses (Like Made in America).  This creating a local spirit. Plus helping to keep the cash in your town.  Make sure to use a local printing company to make your booklet or flyers.

One of these startup business ideas is going to be perfect for you.  Anyone looking to make extra money can pick what best fits their needs.  Most of these can be done on the side while you still have your main job.  This allows you to increase your monthly income intake.  The point of doing this is to speed up your debt payoff.  Then rocket your savings higher.  It’s all about increasing that monthly income intake.  This gets you down the road closer to being financially free. Get going and make some easy money on the side starting today!  All the ideas are great but with no action, none of them will work.  So take the first step and pick one you like from the list.

Don’t forget to check for license laws in your area.  The SBA has more info.

If you have any unique startup business ideas please share it with us.

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